Sunday 11 January 2015

Dr.Rohit Batra Best Sensitive Skin Care Tips

best sensitive skin careFor anyone with sensitive skin, Dr. Rohit Batra has you covered. Not only does Dr. Rohit Batra receive requests online asking about skin care regimens for sensitive skin, but she also see patients daily with the same issues. This is why Dr. Rohit Batra has compiled her best sensitive skin care tips in the “Sensitive Skin Care Tips” section of the skin care advice navigation menu.

What are the causes of sensitive skin?

According to Dr. Rohit Batra, it may be due to an allergy, environmental conditions, or irritation from harsh products. No matter the cause, sensitive skin indicates your skin barrier is compromised. Essential moisture is able to escape your skin more easily and harsh products penetrate your skin more deeply when your skin barrier is compromised. Do not lose hope; there are methods to repair your sensitive skin barrier using a “hydrating gentle skin care routine.”

What is a hydrating gentle skin care routine?

Dr. Rohit Batra main points for a hydrating gentle skin care routine are as follows:
  • Use only gentle skin cleansers.
  • Use only hypoallergenic products (those that don’t have irritating ingredients or fragrances and complex ingredients that might be allergens).
  • Use warm (not steamy hot) water on your skin.
  • Always apply a deeply hydrating moisturizer right after toweling your skin dry.

Dr. Rohit Batra  Best Sensitive Skin Care Tips and Products

Based on the main points for a hydrating gentle skin care routine, Dr. Rohit Batra has detailed her best sensitive skin care tips and products for the entire body. A brief summary is provided below.

1. Use only gentle cleansers.

Since your skin barrier is compromised, you only want to apply gentle skin cleansers to the areas that need them: soiled areas or areas that have body odor glands. Dr. Rohit Batra details the best sensitive skin care cleansers for each part of the body on her advice page.
best sensitive skin care

best sensitive skin care

best sensitive skin care

2. Use only hypoallergenic skin care products.

Most sensitive skin care users are aware of locating hypoallergenic products. But even “labeled” hypoallergenic products can aggravate sensitive skin. It is essential to know what ingredients to avoid such as: fragrances, preservatives, anti-aging ingredients, the basic acne treating ingredients, and some sunscreen ingredients. Once you know how to identify triggering ingredients it will enable you to pick the best sensitive skin care products that are truly hypoallergenic.

3. Use warm water on your skin.

Hot steamy water removes the natural oils of your skin. Wash with warm water in order to remove “grease-like” particles that have built up on your skin but not your natural oils. Be sure to rinse off your gentle hypoallergenic cleansers completely since soap attracts oils and will dry out your skin if not fully washed off.
4. Always apply a deeply hydrating moisturizer right after toweling your skin dry.
Apply hypoallergenic moisturizer within three minutes after bathing or washing your hands. Pick hypoallergenic moisturizers with rich oils and water-binding ingredients that lock in the moisture from your bathing. Different from cleansers, it is more essential to pick hypoallergenic moisturizers according to your skin type: dry skin vs. oily skin. 
best sensitive skin care
best sensitive skin care
Despite the challenges sensitive skin presents, it is possible to find skin care products to cleanse and nourish your skin. But knowing what ingredients to look for is half the battle, how you apply and remove these products is just as important. This is why Dr. Bailey has gathered her best sensitive skin care tips on her skin care advice page to help you determine the right skin care regimen for your skin. 
Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists

Name: Dr. Rohit Batra(91 - 11) 45670001(91) 9911100050, 09711739560DermaWorld Skin InstituteQ 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC BankNew Delhi - 110027Mail Id: dermaworld@gmail.comWebsite:

How to Instantly Revive Tired and Dull Skin

As a dermatologist, I know the “tricks of the trade” to revive dull, tired, and dehydrated skin. 

Whether your dull complexion is from a wild night out, over working, and/or taking on too much holiday stress, you can revive it instantly and convincingly, so that no one knows how depleted you are.
Follow these 3 simple steps secrets to revive dull skin:
  1. Start with exfoliation.
  2. Follow with hydration.
  3. Finish with a little camouflage using a natural tinted product that warms up the pasty, pale, sallow color.
No need to let everyone know that you’re exhausted – unless you want to! Look ready and able while you wait for your body to catch up.
Here are the 3 simple step-by-step details.
The best is Replenix Scrub, which both warms and exfoliates to help pink up the sallow color and revive dull skin.

revive dull skin with Replenix Exfoliating Scrub
“Plus, when I used to get out of the shower my face would be scaly, now it’s soft! The Clarisonic is great and it helps the Replenix work even better than before.”   Sheila W

The best multitasking trick is Suntegrity 5 in 1 BB Cream.
protect and revive dull skin with Suntegrity 5-in-1 BB Cream SPF 30 Tinted Moisturizing Facial Sunscreen

revive dull skin with Dr. Bailey's Loose Mineral Makeup Blush

Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists


Name: Dr. Rohit Batra
(91 - 11) 45670001
(91) 9911100050, 09711739560
DermaWorld Skin Institute
Q 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC Bank
New Delhi - 110027
Mail Id:

Dermatologist’s Recommendations for Natural Skin Health: Kefir the best probiotic for healthy skin

Healthy and Beautiful Skin
Your skin is the biggest organ in your body, but the surface area of your intestines would cover a tennis court if it was stretched out flat.  Every bit of your intestinal surface is covered in important probiotic bacteria and yeast that keep you healthy.
Your body depends on its huge intestinal surface to get good things in (like nutrients) while keeping bad things out (like mercury). The beneficial germs that live in your gut play a key role here and that’s why probiotics are essential for the health and beauty of your skin.
As unsavory as it is to think about beneficial germs living in your intestines, the little guys are a really big deal.  You have about 5 pounds of intestinal microorganisms in your gut and you really want them to be the good guys not the bad guys.  They do critical work for you: they make important vitamins (B vitamins, biotin, vitamin K to name a few), they produce germ killing substances that keep you from getting infections, and they’re your ‘hazmat’ team removing food born toxins like mercury.
Modern life has rocked our little intestinal microbes like never before. We start acquiring our microbe population immediately after birth from the things we eat and drink.  Up until modern times a lot of these probiotic microbes came from the bacteria and yeast cultures used to preserve food by a process called fermentation. With the advent of modern food science we now rely on preservatives, refrigeration, pasteurizing, and canning (sterilizing food with high heat).   Our diet no longer contains a constant supply of beneficial probiotics. Add to that the use of lifesaving antibiotics, which wipe out what probiotic population we do have, and you can see that for our intestines, it’s a brave new world.
That’s why I recommend foods with probiotics, especially after antibiotics, but frankly we all need them.  I think that our deficient intestinal microbial environment may play a role in many health conditions, including skin diseases like psoriasis, rosacea, eczema and acne.  In my opinion, the best probiotic to replace our lost intestinal microbes is home brewed kefir made from live kefir grains (kefir grains is the name for kefir colonies).  These are the same microbes that our ancestors used to ferment their food.  Human bodies live symbiotically with these microbes, meaning that both we and the germs benefit from the arrangement.
Brewed kefir from kefir grains contain more of the beneficial microbes than other probiotic sources like yogurt and probiotic capsuels. When home brewed  as I describe in my next post, the organisms are alive and ready to repopulate your intestines immediately.  Kefir brewing is easy and inexpensive. Kefir milk tastes like buttermilk and if you don’t like the flavor, you can add fruit or honey and make a smoothie.  It’s best drunk at night before bed.  Ideally, this should become a ritual that you continue throughout your lifetime.
An evening glass of kefir
An evening glass of kefir
Commercially prepared kefir products available in the supermarkets lack the full benefits of home brewed kefir.  I’d rather you use them than no kefir at all, but they’re typically made from commercially prepared starter powder, not the kefir grains (cultures) and so they don’t contain the full range of organisms and health benefits of brewed kefir.  Some commercial producers may use live, perpetuated kefir grain cultures to make their kefir, but without calling the company and asking, you just don’t know.
There are other probiotic containing cultured foods that are also worth eating from time to time, but none are as easy as kefir.  These include barrel fermented sauerkraut and pickles (not canned/sterilized), miso soup, kombucha, and cultured cheeses.  As with all live probiotic foods, you have to remember not to cook them because high heat kills the beneficial organisms making them useless for repopulating your intestinal microbe population.
In my next post, I’ll outline how to start brewing your own kefir.  You’ll have all the information you need to start reaping the health benefits of this probiotic powerhouse food.
Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists


Name: Dr. Rohit Batra
(91 - 11) 45670001
(91) 9911100050, 09711739560
DermaWorld Skin Institute
Q 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC Bank
New Delhi - 110027
Mail Id:

Natural Skin Health: Dermatologist’s Diet Recommendations for Healthy Skin

What are nutritionally rich foods? Every time we buy manufactured food there’s nutritional information on the labels. In fact, we’re bombarded with nutritional information. Even junk foods list vitamin content. It’s confusing and so I use my common sense to figure out what foods are packed with vitamins and minerals. I recommend that the majority of what you eat be high nutrition foods including:
1.Naturally or organically farmed foods. This means foods grow from soil that’s packed with nutrients. I’m a vegetable gardener, and I know that I can force plants with nitrogen and chemical fertilizers but their flavors are blander and the plants are more susceptible to garden bugs and diseases requiring me to use chemicals to protect them. I think strong, tasty produce has more vitamins and minerals.
My first recommendation for naturally healthy skin is that 90% of the food you eat should be naturally farmed. Organic products would fit these criteria, but you can also find local small farmers in your area that farm naturally without organic certification. All you need is a few sources, like at farmers markets, restaurants that buy organic or naturally farmed produce, or the organic section of your grocery store. It also means meat, eggs and dairy from animals raised on a natural diet and without antibiotics or hormones. Yes, these foods are more expensive, and so the trick is not to over buy; waste is expensive.
2. Freshly prepared foods that haven’t been processed or preserved. Foods lose vitamins and minerals as they’re processed and stored. Fresh foods have the most vitamins and minerals and are a powerhouse of vitality for your skin. Processing food depletes vitamins. Think about white flour, so processed that manufacturers add back (enrich it with) processed vitamins. They put the enriched vitamin content on the label and you think you’re getting all the nutrition you need! Well, adding back vitamins isn’t the same as leaving the real ones there in the first place. Less processing means more vitamins and more vitality for your skin cells.
To be certain that most of your food is fresh, minimally processed and teaming with vitality, I recommend that 60% of the foods you eat should be freshly prepared by you or someone you know and trustThat someone may be your local natural food grocer or a restaurant, but I don’t trust big corporate food producers. It’s hard to make money using expensive fresh ingredients and making foods with short shelf life. I think there’s too great a temptation to cut corners, and your nutrition.
It’d be great if we could freshly prepared 100% of our food, but that’s not realistic so I recommend aiming for 60%. Life is busy and we’re not going to bake all our own bread, make our own crackers, pasta etc. We can cook our own dinners, make our own lunches or buy from a restaurant or grocer that freshly prepares food from nutritionally rich ingredients.
3. A low-fat diet may lower your skin cancer risk. Eating a lot of dietary fats appears to increase a person’s risk of developing a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. I’ve recommended a low fat diet to my cancer patients for years. This month another scientific study was just reported from Australia showing that people with a history of squamous cell carcinoma are more likely to develop additional cancers if they eat a high fat diet. (International Journal of Cancer October 2009 Ibiebele TI et al.) I see a lot of patients with the common precancerous lesions called actinic keratosis and I recommend they eat a low fat diet too because actinic keratosis are pre squamous cell carcinomas. You need some oil in your diet for healthy skin, but it needs to be a ‘good’ oil. I recommend virgin olive oil as particularly beneficial due to its antioxidant power and balanced fatty acid composition. (Clin Dermatol. 2009 Mar-Apr)
4. A low protein and low calorie diet may keep your skin cells younger longer. Limiting our protein and calories seem to slow the aging of our cells. This probably applies to our skin cells along with all our other cells so I recommend limiting calories and protein in your diet to keep your skin healthy and young looking. High calorie and high protein diets seem to be stressful for cells. The latest evidence came from scientists at the Buck Institute for Age Research who just reported that a low-protein diet increased the life span of fruit flies by boosting the function of an important cell structure called the mitochondria.
Eat mostly vegetables, fruits and grains- organic or naturally farmed.
Limit meats, fish, dairy and eggs-use them as an embellishment to your meal, not the main portion of what you eat-and be sure they’re from naturally farmed animals
Use virgin olive oil
Consider processed foods as a treat, not your main source of calories and nutrition
Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists


Name: Dr. Rohit Batra
(91 - 11) 45670001
(91) 9911100050, 09711739560
DermaWorld Skin Institute
Q 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC Bank
New Delhi - 110027
Mail Id:

‘Vitamin A Rich’ Curried Winter Squash Soup For Natural Skin Health

  1. Winter squash is a vitamin A extravaganza!One cup of cooked winter squash has 450% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A .
  2. Your skin loves vitamin A so this soup is a great prescription for your skin’s health.
  3. The vitamin A in winter squash is in the form of beta-carotene which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and possibly anticancer benefits.
  4. Winter squash is also a great source of fiber, folate, omega 3 fatty acids and a lot of other important vitamins and minerals.
  5. As if that’s not enough, the curry powder in this soup contains turmeric which has even more anticancer benefits.
I grow a lot of winter squash in my summer garden.  This year my favorite variety is the beautiful Italian squash Marina Di Chioggia with its green bumpy surface and delicious rich orange flesh.  These attractive squash make great fall décor, and then yummy winter dinner. Now is the time for me to start cooking up these pretty nutritional treasures.
Marina Di Chioggia squash on the dining room table
My squash soup is SO EASY to make and a big time saver for me during the work week. I made a pot on Sunday and it stretched for several night’s dinners. I ‘brown bag’ my lunch every day at work and I brought the soup in a glass microwavable container for  easy lunches.  This soup freezes beautifully and what we didn’t finish this week, I froze in freezer safe containers; in a month or so I’ll welcome a little more soup as an additional course to a weekend lunch or dinner.
1 medium/large orange flesh winter squash (my favorites are butternut, buttercup and Marina Di Chioggia)
1/8 cup canola oil
2 t black mustard seeds
3T curry powder
2 large tart apples peeled and cored
1 medium onion
10 medium garlic cloves peeled and smashed
1 ¼ T finely chopped or grated ginger (optional)
4 cups or so of broth (chicken or vegetable)
Salt to taste
Soup Topping Options: Kefir or plain yogurt, grated coconut, raw slivered almonds, raisins or dried cranberries, chopped apples, chutney, chopped parsley
Cook the squash in the oven by cutting it in ½ or ¼ and removing the seeds. Place the cut squash  skin down in shallow roasting pan with a little water (about 1/2 inch of water in the bottom of the pan) and cook at anywhere from 350 to 450  until the squash is soft and scoop-able.  (The roasting time depends on the size of your squash and oven temperature) You could also roast it skin side down in a dry pan at 500 for 50 minutes or so for a more ‘roasted’ flavored soup.  You choose how you like to cook the squash, just keep an eye on it while it’s cooking.  When your squash is cooked and soft, let it cool so that you can handle it and then scoop the orange pulp from the skin and set it aside.
In a heavy soup pan or dutch oven add the oil and the mustard seeds and cook on low heat until the seeds start popping (a minute or so), be careful not to burn them.  Stir in the curry powder and cook for 1 minute.  Add the onions, apples, squash pulp, garlic, ginger and broth.  Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer 20 minutes or so until everything is soft.  If you want a silky consistency, puree the soup with a food processor, or even easier, a hand held blender.  For a thinner consistency, add more water.  Season to taste with salt.
To serve, ladle the soup into bowls and serve it topped with your choice of the topping items above.  I like to add chutney, coconut, dried cranberries, my home brewed kefir and raw almonds.  These healthy toppings further enhance the nutritional benefit of this vitamin rich meal.  (Remember, don’t cook the kefir because it kills the beneficial probiotic microorganisms).    My squash soup is a nutrition bonanza and a big time saver.  Served with a salad, it makes a very nice winter meal.
Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists


Name: Dr. Rohit Batra
(91 - 11) 45670001
(91) 9911100050, 09711739560
DermaWorld Skin Institute
Q 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC Bank
New Delhi - 110027
Mail Id:

Five Amazing Foods for Your Skin

When it comes to eating right for your skin, the list of great foods for your skin options is a mile long.

One of the best ways to change your diet, and therefore improve your skin, is to simply crowd out the bad foods with the good. Spend your time focusing on putting good food into your body and you won’t have as much room (or desire) left for the bad ones.
There are so many foods to choose from that picking just five was a challenge. Instead of giving you a list of what not to eat, here are our top five foods that will enhance the skin regime you already have in place, plus are great for your overall health:

Crowd out the bad foods with the good

Salmon is Foods for Your Skin
1. Salmon
Fatty fish, such as salmon, are high in essential fatty acids (like Omega-3 and Omega-6), an important part of creating the cell membrane, which influences how the cell holds water. That is, they help your skin stay supple and plump.
Add more salmon to your menu with some of these great recipes:
Honey Glazed SalmonPanko Crusted Salmon5952485363_2b00d871f1_z
Honey Glazed Salmon fromDamn DeliciousPanko Crusted Honey Mustard Salmon fromCooking ClassySimple Roast Salmon with Potatoes, Asparagus and Lemon-Dill-Caper Drizzle fromThe Pioneer Woman

Walnuts are good foods for your skin

2. Walnuts

These nuts are also high in essential fatty acids, including the important omega-3s that help fight inflammation, according to this study from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health which compared NSAIDs to essential fatty acids (in the form of fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory aid.
Add more walnuts to your diet with some of these great recipes:
Rosemary Walnuts with a KickRoasted Brussles Sprouts with WalnutsBaklava Honey Glazed Walnuts
Rosemary Walnuts with a Kick fromEclectically VintageRoasted Brussel Sprouts, Walnuts and Cranberriesfrom Life’s AmbrosiaBaklava Honey Glazed Walnutsfrom Cooking with Curls

Red and White Quinoa are foods for your skin

3. Quinoa

If you have never heard of the ancient grain quinoa (pronounced keen-wa), now is the perfect time to introduce this whole grain into your diet.  The mineral selenium found in quinoa, also an anti-inflammatory, has many health qualities, but, most important for your skin, has antioxidant properties found to slow the aging of skin. Bonus: quinoa is GMO and gluten free!
Boost the selenium in your diet with these great quinoa recipes:
Rosemary Walnuts with a KickQuinoa Avocado Spinach SaladCranberry Butternut Squash Quinoa
Garlic Mushroom Quinoa Skillet fromDamn DeliciousQuinoa Avocado Spinach Power Saladfrom The Garden GrazerCranberry Butternut Squash Quinoa with Kale from Stuck on Sweet

Fall and Winter Squash are good foods for your skin

4. Squash

Of course you’ve heard you should be eating a rainbow of vegetable – the more colorful the better. Squash is one of the more delightfully colored vegetables that has an array of uses.  They’re packed with the vitamins and antioxidants your skin needs to protect itself from damage and to promote cell turn over.  Give your complexion a lovely winter glow with beta carotene – within a week look for a radiant warmer golden healthy glow – works like a charm!
Increase your antioxidants with these savory squash recipes:
Maple Glazed Acorn SquashButternut Squash and Sweet Potato SoupSimple Roasted Butternut Squash
Maple Glazed Roasted Acorn Squash fromSpoon Fork BaconButternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup/a> from Making Thyme for HealthSimple Roasted Butternut Squash

Water is the best foods for your skin5. Water

Although not technically a food, water is an indisputably important factor to healthy skin. Not only does water plump skin cells, it helps your body flush out toxins. Ever noticed your complexion is dull and sallow when you eat a lot of unhealthy foods? Flush out the “junk” with water. 
These five foods are just one step in the right direction toward a healthier lifestyle and are great foods for your skin. Remember, eating right, whether is be for your general health or for your skin, doesn’t have to be tackled in one day, or even in one week. Start your new year right by nudging your diet to a healthy place, piece by piece. Your skin will thank you for it!

If you have enjoyed these 5 foods for your skin blog post, thanks for sharing, “Liking”, tweeting, G+ and your comments

Dr. Rohit Batra Dermaworld skin Institute provides innovative treatments for common skin conditions such as eczema, allergies,laser hair removal. We offer skin care for peaple of all ages with the help of dermatalogists


Name: Dr. Rohit Batra
(91 - 11) 45670001
(91) 9911100050, 09711739560
DermaWorld Skin Institute
Q 4, Rajouri Garden,Near HDFC Bank
New Delhi - 110027
Mail Id: